Mother's Day & Update At Lilly Fields

May 26, 2023


Founding Family at Lilly Fields!

As of May 24th:

  • We thought it would be a good idea to build a corral to start training our horses...but, they don't like it! Our freedom-loving horses are NOT fans!
  • Thanks to Eric, Karen's technically amazing son, 12 more outdoor security cameras have been installed. The extra security gives us additional peace of mind on all this beautiful land!
  • We painted and decorated our volunteer area, which includes an eating area, shower and bathroom. We are also putting in a laundry area. Do you know anyone in the area that has a stackable washer/dryer they would like to donate? Please let us know HERE! - it's tax deductible!
  • We have volunteers coming to help us all summer long! If you would like to volunteer, please let us know by contacting us HERE!
  • We started renovating the tool shed and prep barn area.
  • Harvested our first blueberries, strawberries and radishes!


Cute Emilio (3 months old) rolled over for the first time, second time, third time and couldn’t stop rolling while at grandma’s house!

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