Over A Thousand Vegetables & Herbs Planted..... And MORE UPDATES!

Jun 07, 2023

Five days of growth! It's all about the amendments and the water! 

As of June 7th:

  • Shoutout to Marlaina! She has been helping to get the wellness center up and running
  • If you have interest in participating in the 5 or 10 day Wellness Stay using the hyperbaric chamber, sauna, Living Waters Pool and the other amazing equipment - please email us at [email protected]
  • Join us for YOGA at Lilly Fields, Saturdays and Wednesdays at 8:00 am (ET)  
  • We started over a thousand vegetables and herbs this week - planting more next week!
  • We look forward to having YOU come for retreats - making your own medicine from our herb garden!
  • Come work/play with us! We welcome single, married, and responsible kids to volunteers at Lilly Fields. If interested, please contact us HERE!

Behind the scenes set-up of our extensive Living Waters pool: 

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