Farm Manager Needed at Lilly Fields Retreat Center
67 acres in Hawkinsville, Georgia
(2 hours south of Atlanta, 2 hours north of Florida)
Farm Manager Job Description:Â
-Plan what to do with our empty land and implement the plan
-Manage our current field and orchard (both small but have a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and herbs)
-Optimize the use of 4 currently vacant 10 x 30 ft. greenhouses
-Oversee volunteers
-Teach classes about permaculture, regenerative agriculture, and homesteading to guests of the retreat center
-Come up with creative projects related to permaculture and regenerative agriculture
Compensation: Profit share (to be discussed)
Housing options: Get a house nearby, or find a place on the property to build
Learn more about us on our social media platforms: @lillyfieldscenterÂ
(IG, TikTok, and Facebook)
The mission of our farm at Lilly Fields is to awaken people's taste buds, expand the varieties of foods people are exposed to, inspire home cultivation, offer life-changing hands-on experiences in the garden and teach seed saving to preserve the precious varieties of plants on earth! Join us for an evening or full day class, a weekend retreat, or a summer camp to wake up your tastebuds, the desire for better health, and the realization that we truly DO have a hand in our future and in the future of humanity!Â